Accelerating Innovation:
Building A Global Nexus
We help regenerative medicine companies build, grow, and scale in the Piedmont Triad region through access to world-class resources, expertise, space, and collaboration opportunities – creating economic impact.
Accelerating Innovation:
Building A Global Nexus
We help regenerative medicine companies build, grow, and scale in the Piedmont Triad region through access to world-class resources, expertise, space, and collaboration opportunities – creating economic impact.

There is no better place in the world to develop and de-risk your technology.
The NSF-Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine is an initiative to build a regional innovation ecosystem to accelerate the translation of regenerative medicine use-inspired research to commercialization, thus stimulating economic growth, workforce development, and job creation. The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Lead Partner, along with Core Team Partners North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Winston Salem State University, Forsyth Technical Community College, Axiom Space, and the RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO), is supported by multiple businesses, governmental entities, and not-for-profit agencies. By combining science, industry, and education, PTRME is creating a brighter future for the Piedmont Triad region.
At the heart of the Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine lies the mission to translate use-inspired research to manufacturable technologies. Developing accessible, effective, and scalable technologies are fundamental to achieving this goal, as they enhance consistency, reduce variability, and improve the quality of regenerative medicine products.
Ecosystem Partners

The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) is the recipient of the inaugural U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Engines Program award. The NSF Engines: Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine is a regional project to provide an innovation ecosystem to stimulate workforce development, job creation, and economic growth through the development of technologies that benefit the emerging regenerative medicine industry.
The NSF Engines: Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine core team consists of WFIRM, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), Winston Salem State University (WSSU), Forsyth Technical Community College, and RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO). The team is supported by multiple businesses, governmental entities, and not-for-profit agencies, including Axiom Space, Epredia, Oracle, Piedmont Triad municipalities, Greater Winston-Salem Inc. Over 80 partners have joined the regional effort.